Thursday, November 24, 2005


Hey TURKEY! ;-)> � As you all prepare to feed and be fed I had to drag myself to the keyboard to tell you all how grateful I am that you are part of my life. Though we are a cyber family, I call ya'll and yours family (LIKE IT OR NOT! LOL) I want to express how much I appreciat,love,and care about each and every one of you. I just put a special spot for military families who are GIVING us the precious family member who while not be at their table tonite.I ALWAYS set a plate out with a small flag napkin on it for those who are away from the loving arms of their family and friends.We owe the troops and families our deepest love,respect and thanks.For those of you who are vets and made it home,we give our sincere gratitute for your service and leaving our beautiful shores to serve s well.Thank you and may God Bless you vets! It has been a long hard year for me, yet I NEVER loose site of my blessings,and I pray the same for you.No matter how rough it gets, my motto 'If the Good Lord brings ya to it, The Good Lord will bring ya thru it'! Thats where I hang my hat,in The Lords hands. So before this turns to cyber triptaphan I must reach out to each of you,your families,friends and even that grumpy old neighbor ;-)> and say 'YOU ARE ALL REASONS WHY I HAVE SOMETHING TO BE THANKFUL FOR TODAY AND EVERYDAY!' Call an old friend or relatve,be grateful our brave troops have keep our soil free of terrorisism,and remember I LOVE YOU! � HAPPY THANKSGIVING KIDZ! KISSES! and many,many thanks and hugs!!! Thank God for everyone of you!YOU GUYS ROCK! YYYYEEEAAAAAWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHH

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