Wednesday, December 07, 2005


DING DONG THE WITCH IS DEAD!Hey,hey,hey GOOD BYE!!!!!!!!! RECALL!!! Kidz,I am talking about the Titanic-ee Spokane City Hall scandal I have been telling ya'll about. A big fat liar,who cheated the city out of hundreds of thousands of money, holding back Gay Rights for decades (he has been dubbed THEE ANTI-GAY, GAY MAYOR the stories of when he was a Boy Scout leader in the 70's,a Deputy in the 80's and a Senator in the 90's, all along trolling for hott young boy toyz! Not that being gay is the issue, he shamed the Repblican party as well as Spokane, and the stories of the boys in the 70's YUCK! The gays here were part of ousting him.This guy was (on the city dime,whch is more like a penny cause the city has been finanacialy sucked dry,even laying off cops and fire!Good luck getting a cop to respond to your crime, its THAT BADD, yet he got a 30K raise after the layoffs.He sat at his desk and on his (EEEEWWWHHH!) LAPTOP! chatting it up and lining them up on freaking on city puter,scouting teen boys with promises and cash.This is a HUGE STORY here.30 years of a pedophile sex ring he was/is in. Suicide of his buddies.Its unreal. Oh, its a tale. Anywho! Click the link to local paper and a reporter (with a great voice took 'My Way' and 'These are a Few of My Fav Things' and spun them to Mayor Wests perverision. Its some of thee funniest satire out there .Last night Spokane kicked his ass to the curb after 7 months of this dictator holding the city by the short hairs. Scroll way way down to BOTTOM of page on right side the section 'RECENT MEDIA/MULTIMEDIA and click audio for 'Bi-Way' (Elvis would B proud! Frank grossed out though! LOL )And 'These are a Few of my Favorite FLINGS! ' You will HOWL and so will everyone else.Im telling ya, this is a JEWEL! Hit the audio and listen. KISSES!!!!!YYYYYYEEEEAAAAWWWWHHHH


Anonymous said...

I love it KK!

Great work as always.

MsAmber said...

Too much time on gay chat lines,
I did it byyyyy-way.

ha ha ha ha ha.


I know this is local for Spokane news, but I wonder why we don't hear about it on the national news?
We certainly heard about the New York mayor's crack habit.