Friday, January 11, 2008


Like the kiss of death from Tony Soprano,John Kerry emerges from his stable and gives his Blessings to Barack! Boy, what did Barack do 2 deserve this! He aint no Britney Spears trainwreck! LOL! Kerry is like Dr. Phil! Doesnt Kerry know we hate him?How many vets do i walk up on 2 thank and they tear up a girl like me cares, then goes into the same 'That John Kerry had people hate at spit at us!' rant.So my heart goes out to Obama.He had Oprah openeing doors and now this freaky white zombie gives the kiss of death! And is it to just piss Pretty Boy John Edwards off?(YES!) or does Seabiscuit Blieve Barack rocks!? Like it wasnt enuff having Bill and hill chewing on your ass, now this! This is a Howard Scream Dean moment! Barack must have slammed his head on his desk! YYYEEEAAAAHHWWW!!!! Lurch was laying low (THANK YOU!) and now I ponder WHO, OH,Who will Tedward Kennedy drag his gin soaked liver out to campaign 4? So Barack,watch out bro, this is terrrible news 4 you and your pony show! On a side note: IS ANYTHING GETTING DONE ON THE HILL? All this caucisalooza goings on, its an extention of the hliday break for petes sake! I hope at least my state Senator LARRY CRAIG is getting something done! In fact Boise got a new state house re do! LESS BATHROOMS!Yeah, 19 for the hook up or real potty time! DOWN FROM 44! Ole Larry is thinnin his 'herd'! ....6 for women, 9 for men and 4 NON DESIGNATED!!! NON DESIGNATED?YIKES! Stinks of Craig! ;-)> True Story! So have a great morning! Lets hope Mike Vick doesnt come out this weekend at a OBAMA stop! (He is in jail, to badd it wasnt doggy year sentence!) And theres always O.J. Simpson or Michael Jackson!!! Oh, Boy! =^.^= PLEASE RESPECT,THANK,HONOR,SUPPORT & PRAY FOR OUR TROOPS,VETS,FIRST RESPONDERS and THEIR FAMILIES ;-)

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